Yee Fung Toy Society Canada National Convention 2016


Download Registration PDF / Excel Sheet or Apply Online Now Book Your Hotel with Group Rate for Convention Download Canada Convention Proposal Form
Convention Opening CeremonyJoin 2016 Convention / 通告Schedule / 日程表Convention Photos

2016 Convention Invitation

The Yee Fung Toy Family Association

Cordially invites you to the OPENING CEREMONY of the 17th National Yee Fung Toy Association Convention

Date: Sat. July 30, 2016

Time: 2 pm

Location: Regency Seafood Restaurant 328 Centre St. SE Calgary, AB

Dinner Banguet at 6pm

Locations and Contacts

Yee Fung Toy Society
202B Centre St. S Calgary, AB. Canada T2G 2B6
Phone: (403) 263-4434
Fax: (587) 296-5030

Mah Society
Address: 207 1 St SE, Calgary, AB T2G 2G3
Phone: (403) 265-9849


Regency Restaurant
Address: 328 Centre St S, Calgary, AB T2G 4X6
Hours: Open today · 10AM–10PM
Phone: (403) 777-2288

Silver Dragon Restaurant
Address: 106 3 Ave SE, Calgary, AB T2G 0B6
Hours: Open today · 10AM–11:30PM
Phone: (403) 264-5326


Delta Down Calgary Hotel
Address: 209 4 Ave SE, Calgary, AB T2G 0C6
Phone: (403) 266-1980

International Hotel
Address: 220 4 Ave SW, Calgary, AB T2P 0H5
Phone: (403) 265-9600













Download Registration PDF or Excel Sheet

Apply Now

全加余風采堂第十七屆懇親大會通告 (之三)

懇親大會通告所預定的 Delta Bow Hotel酒店房間差不多訂滿.

現在有 International Hotel為我們預留15 間酒店房.  訂酒店房間方法是將懇親大會名單寄來籌備處, 名單寫下列

  • 姓名
  • 到達日期
  • 離開日期
  • 其他指示: 例如床大小尺碼, 早到等


International Hotel

地址: 220 4 Ave. SW, Calgary, AB. T2P 0H5

電話: (403)265-9600

酒店很接近堂所,富麗宮海鮮酒家, Delta Bow Hotel


余慕慈 James M. C. Yee

辦公室電話: (403) 277-7172

手機: (403) 606-6878

傳真: (403) 277-7576


地址: 202B Centre Street, SE, Calgary, AB. T2G 2B6

電話  (403) 263-4434

傳真  (587) 296-5030


全加余風采堂第十七屆懇親大會通告 (之)

時間表有改變: 歡迎晚餐在富麗宮海鮮酒家, 一日遊八點早開始.

各地堂會務必於 2016年 5月 31日前將名單寄來籌備處,以利安排食宿 等事宜。


列席代表,觀禮: 。可以在懇親網站直接訂房。 只有在  Book your group rate for Yee Fung Toy Society National Convention 按下


旅遊:國家級景點斑芙,路易斯湖一日遊;卡加利市容—恐龍谷一日 遊,在報名表格上,請劃上(X) ,報名名額有限

訂好機(車)票後,請趕前把航(車)班及到達卡加利時間告訴我 們,以便及時接機(車)。



余慕慈 James M. C. Yee

辦公室電話: (403) 277-7172

手機: (403) 606-6878

傳真: (403) 277-7576


地址: 202B Centre Street, SE, Calgary, AB. T2G 2B6

電話  (403) 263-4434

傳真  (587) 296-5030



全加余風采堂第十七屆懇親大會通告 (之一)




1. 加拿大各埠分堂懇親大會代表需依總堂所規定之代表人數,及觀禮名單,由各埠余風采分堂匯總統一向本會籌備處辦理。列席代表,觀禮嘉賓及赴會者咸在各所屬地余風采堂或余氏宗親會報名,由所屬地余風采堂或余氏宗親會匯總統一向本會籌備處辦理,恕不接受個人報名;

2. 各地堂會務必於2016年5月31日前將名單寄來籌備處,以利安排食宿等事宜。

3. 加拿大代表,籌備處會訂房間,只要將名單寄來籌備處: 酒店費用(七月二十九至八月一日),及交通費用由總堂支付,但必須出席四天懇親會。如提前或推遲於以上日期,酒店費用自付。家眷: 如要自己分開房間,全部酒店費用自付。請跟進下面5. 說明訂房。

4. 列席代表,觀禮: 全部酒店費用自付。其他費用:個人出入境簽證,各項保險,往返程交通費等概由嘉賓自付;

5. 酒店住宿費:入住 Delta Calgary Downtown,標準雙人房包早餐,每天加幣165 元加稅。Delta Calgary Downtown,Address: 209-4th Avenue S.E. Calgary, AB. T2G 0C6 Tel: 1-888-236-2427。如電話訂房,請告知酒店code YF1。可以在懇親網站直接訂房。 只有在 Book your group rate for Yee Fung Toy Society National Convention 按下。

6. 旅遊:國家級景點斑芙,路易斯湖一日遊;卡加利市容—恐龍谷一日遊, 在報名表格上,請劃上(X) ,報名名額有限。

7. 訂好機(車)票後,請趕前把航(車)班及到達卡加利時間告訴我們,以便及時接機(車);

8. 以後有關大會的通告,將陸續通過網站及時發給你們;若有任何不明之處或意見建議,亦請經網站告知我們籌備處,謝謝!

9. 誠望各地堂員繼續發揚樂助好施,慷慨解囊的優良傳統,在經濟上鼎力支持懇親大會,無論捐助懇親費數目多少,我們均將通過報紙,特刊及大會深表謝枕。捐助匯支票須明

“Yee Fong Toy Tong Benevolent Society” 收


余根洙    全加余風采堂總堂主席

余慕慈    懇親大會籌備處主席

余策源    卡加利余風采堂主席




余慕慈 James M. C. Yee

電話 (403) 277-7172 (辦公室) (403) 606-6878 (手機)

傳真 (403) 277-7576


The Yee Fung Toy Society of Canada 17th National Convention 3rd Announcement

The YFT Canada 17th National Convention reserved rooms at the Delta Bow Hotel for the convention’s delegates and guests. Since the Delta Bow Hotel room reservation have been almost fully booked We are pleased to have International Hotel holding additional 15 rooms for the convention.

The method of booking the rooms is to submit the following information on the registration form for the convention to:

James Yee


Fax: to 403-277-7576

Reservations Procedures

Rooming List – A rooming list must be submitted to secure reservations.  The list must include the following information:

  • First and last name
  • Date of arrival
  • Date of departure
  • Other instructions:

This information will assist us in handling reservations requests properly.  Please also indicate any special requests in writing (i.e.; size of bed, crib, early arrival, etc.)

Any additions or revisions to the list, subsequent to its initial submission, should be made directly with the Sales Manager.

Hotal information:

International Hotel

Address: 220 4 Ave. SW, Calgary, AB. T2P 0H5

Phone: (403)265-9600

The hotel is only 2 blocks away from Calgary Yee Society, Chinatown, Regency Seafood Restaurant and Delta Bow Hotel.

For questions, please contact:

James M. C. Yee

Office: (403) 277-7172

Cell: (403) 606-6878

Fax: (403) 277-7576


Yee Fong Toy Tong Benevolent Society

Address: 202B Centre Street, SE, Calgary, AB. T2G 2B6

Phone: (403) 263-4434

Fax: (587) 296-5030


The Yee Fung Toy Society of Canada 17th National Convention 2nd Announcement

There is a slight change on welcome dinner location, it should be Regency Seafood Restaurant.

The tour start at 8:00 am instead of 9:00 am as advised by Calgary Tour.

The Chapters should return their registration form by May 31, 2016 in order for the planning committee to prepare the convention.

For the Canadian delegates, the planning committee will book a hotel room for you if you reply Y to the “Book hotel?”

US and international delegates and guests: please book your room directly with hotel.

On line booking: Book your group rate for Yee Fung Toy Society National Convention.

For those interested in Banff-Lake Louis tour and Drumheller-City of Calgary tour, please indicate by (x) on forms. Since space is limited, it will be a first come first serve policy.

Please let the planning committee know your flight or bus estimate time arrival (ETA), and we will arrange to pick you up.


For questions, please contact:

James M. C. Yee

Office: (403) 277-7172

Cell: (403) 606-6878

Fax: (403) 277-7576


Yee Fong Toy Tong Benevolent Society

Address: 202B Centre Street, SE, Calgary, AB. T2G 2B6

Phone: (403) 263-4434

Fax: (587) 296-5030



The 17th Yee Fung Toy Society Canada National Convention

The Yee Fung Toy Society of Canada National Convention Invitation The 17th Yee Fung Toy Society of Canada National Convention will be held in Calgary from July 29 and August 1, 2016. Our planning committee has established the following guideline for registration of the convention:

1. All Canadian members and delegates should register under his/her own Chapter. The maximum number of delegates should be the same as the last National Convention in 2012. We do not accept individual registration.

2. The Chapters should return their registration form by May 31, 2016 in order for the planning committee to prepare the convention.

3. Canada delegates from out of town: expenses paid by Canada headquarters include travel to Calgary and hotel room charge plus taxes for the convention days from July 29 – August 1, 2016. To be eligible for reimbursement of these expenses, delegates must attend all 4 days of the convention, and complete their registration form and travel arrangement to Calgary by the end of May. The planning committee will book a hotel room for you if you reply Y to the “Book hotel?” question on your registration and send it with a copy of travel confirmation by May 31. Otherwise book your room directly with the hotel (follow directions in 5 below).

4. US and international delegates and guests: please book your room directly with hotel (follow directions in 5 below). Hotel and transportation expenses, travelling Visa, insurance etc. will be on your own. Breakfast vouchers are included if you book the hotel at the convention rate, otherwise please make your own arrangement for breakfast.

5. We have negotiated a special rate with Delta Calgary Downtown (also known as the Delta Bow Valley Hotel which recently joined the Marriot Hotel Group) for double occupancy including breakfast Can $165.00 before taxes, net non-commissionable. Last day to book at this rate: 6/30/2016. Please register yourself and use your own credit card to guarantee reservation. Address: 209-4th Avenue S.E. Calgary, AB. T2G 0C6, Tel: 800-916-4336 and quote group rate code YF1, or online: Book your group rate for Yee Fung Toy Society National Convention.

6. For those interested in Banff-Lake Louis tour and Drumheller-City of Calgary tour, please indicate by (x) on forms. Since space is limited, it will be a first come first serve policy.

7. Please let the planning committee know your flight or bus estimate time arrival (ETA), and we will arrange to pick you up.

8. For further information and future updates, please check Yee Fung Toy Society Canada National Convention 2016

9. We are honored and pleased to be the host of this National Convention. We also rely on your generous donation for support in order to be a successfully convention. All donations will mentioned on the newspaper and on our commemorative issue. If you donate by cheque, please write on the payable to exactly “Yee Fong Toy Tong Benevolent Society”.

Happy Chinese New Year and Good Health to you and your family.

Kan Yu     Yee Fung Toy Society Canada headquarter

James MC Yee     The Convention Planning Committee Chair

Jack C Yee     Yee Fong Toy Tong Benevolent Society Calgary Chair

February 18, 2016


Contacts Information:

James M. C. Yee

Telephone (403) 277-7172 (office)         (403) 606-6878 (cellular)

Fax (403) 277-7576

E mail:

Contact Calgary Yee Fong Toy Tong Benevolent Society

Schedule / 日程表

Tentative schedule of events for the convention


Download 2017 Covention Photos

Group Photos


Covention Day 1

Covention Day 2