17th Canada National Convention Registration Form

Select Optional Programs and Tours to reserve a seat for each attendee


1. Please select from the optional programs and tours offered below that each participant from your group will (or will not) be attending (Y or N)

2. If you need assistance with transfers from the airport to the hotel, please fill in the Arrival information and we will be at the Calgary airport to greet you.

3. Include everyone from your association who is attending, with one line per participant, regardless of age or affiliation.

4. Return the entire registration form by May 31.

5. Book hotel room at the Convention rate.

請於 2016  年 5 月 31 日 前將報名表一併寄來大會辦事處收妥作實,或傳真至「卡加利余風采堂」,以利安排接待事宜

Please queries to: jamesyee@telus.net


[contact-form-7 id=”518″ title=”17th Canada National Convention Registration Form” class=”registrationform”]